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The floater can be entered via an air tight lock as inside the climate is controlled. The floater is kept under a constant over pressure of ca. 0,1 bar to prevent salt water or vapours to enter. This way the hydraulic and electric systems are protected and can be maintained in a controlled environment. If any leak might occur, it'll be instantly noticed by a pressure drop but water still can't enter due to the over pressure. The leaking air will be supplanted by a compressor until repairs are finished. 

The Anchor

The anchor is made from marine grade concrete and can contain air or water. For transport it contains air and gets towed to its destination. There it's filled with seawater and sinks to its final location on the seabed. For maintenance it's filled with pressed air until it floats up to the surface, allowing underwater parts and connections to be inspected and maintained. The anchor proactively enhances marine biodiversity as its structure is suitable for early food chain organisms to attach and develop. 

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